Tuesday, June 26, 2012

15-Month-Old Alyssa {Garfield Park - South Pasadena, Ca.}

As I've expanded further into portraits I've been debating whether or not to do a blog and Facebook preview for these sessions. Since there are so many less photos taken during a portrait session as compared to an event I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise online. I'd rather watch the joy on my clients faces as they see the photos for the first time when we meet during their ordering session. The trouble is, I love sharing photos, so I comprimised. I'm only post one photo on-line until after the ordering session, then I'll post more for all to enjoy.

So here is the one preview photo from Alyssa's infant session, shot at Garfield Park in South Pasadena. This session was a lot of fun and I can't wait to post more. I'll tell you more about this session in the next post.