Monday, February 22, 2010

Photography as art, as income, as work, as love, as business, as ?

It's interesting the more and more I build my business the greater my love of photography and of being a photographer gets. However, I am finding that the more I work, the less I shoot for myself. That is to say, the less I shoot in my own free time and to satisfy my own needs, whether artistic, journalistic, or other. I would also love to simply take a photo while out with my girlfriend, or at my best friend's bachelor party. (I swear I'm going to buy a little point and shoot soon.) It's quite sad really. It may simply be due to the fact that I devote most of my free time to being anything but free. If I have a free moment, I'm usually using it trying to complete work or bring in more work.

I do work under the assumption that the more work I do now, in order to bring in more work, will allow me more free time later. (I know that sentance is confounded but i like it.) I suppose we all work under such an assumption when we work or move into our careers. However, I believe my greatest fear is working for the work and not for art or the pure joy of it. Admittly, I fell into photography as a business because I wanted to make money with it, but I never wanted to lose my love for it, and I haven't. I'm not at any point where I feel my photography suffers from my lack of love or drive. I'm more concerned about it ever getting there, but I suppose it's up to me to prevent that from happening. I've always felt you can control many things with just the right mind set.

I've also always felt that life is about balance, so perhaps I need to make sure I balance my work photography with my personal photography. Trouble is, I always make my work photography a personal thing, something I believe makes me a great photography. (I was recently reading that every photographer has to have a bit of an ego, but not too much. Again, balance comes into play.) Who I am is in my photography and my photography is in me. A tip for hiring a photographer, if their work doesn't express who they are, you won't know what you're going to get in the end. One more tip, just hire me. (That's my humor talking, not my ego). ::Insert laugh here::

In sumation, (my journalism professors would hate me for that) as much as I put myself into my photography for work purposes I need to be sure I take time to put myself into my photography for personal purposes, whether it be a photo of my girlfriend and I at Disneyland or one of my best friend doing something I probably shouldn't type here(ahh, what a great weekend).

Back to business, my artwork gallery (the personal stuff) will have photos added very soon and on a semi-regular basis. Enjoy!

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